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I too would love to be a witch in a whimsical swamp. Awesome piece!

Thank you


Wonderful work as always. I love how many elements are fit in (like the owl) despite being a 192 tile limit. 

I'm curious, do you draw or paint out your ideas before creating the pixel art? Or do you start straight away with it?

(1 edit)

I kinda just do a incredibly rough looking outline in the pixel art just to get a proper sense of scale. Then once the rough sketch is done I go through the entire picture and basically start polishing everything. Afterwards I then look at ways to optimize the picture. I then optimize and afterwards see what I can do with the extra tiles. Rinse and repeat until it looks good.


How much do you try and plan for achieving that balance of unique and repeated tiles? Do you just sketch whatever you're picturing and then worry about it later? Or do you sketch it out thinking "this section will have some repeats" and specifically plan for it

it's kinda a 50/50 balance when it comes to my tile work. As I definitely want to make it as detailed as possible. But while I do so I try to basically make some of the tiles "future proof" so that way once I begin to look over and old areas that could be repeated. I can then simply just take those tiles and replace any unnecessary unique ones. Bringing down the total unique tiles and allow for more unique graphics to be drawn. And even occasionally I'll just happen to have some empty space and realized a specific set of tiles just work really well unintentionally. 


Cool! Thanks for sharing about your process


absolutely and thanks for asking.